Sunday, July 19, 2009

Sail Into Summer by Steering Clear of the Three W’s….That Can Cause Mental Storms*

Where does the time go? Summer time 2009 is here and many are planting colorful flowers, buying suntan lotion, revving up the barbeques and dodging bumble bees.

Summer time can also mean hot steamy temperatures and occasional thunderstorms. However, dear mother nature isn’t the only one that produces storms. Sometimes, we humans have what I refer to as “mental storms”. By mental storms, I mean negative and stressful thought patterns that can take over our minds and continue to grow in strength as they move about in our heads. Many of these mental storm systems are brought on by, what I call, the three W’s…..worry, waiting, and wondering.

Worry can be an effective incoming “front”, causing mental storms. Many people worry about something from the past, or anticipate something in the future. ….*
Waiting is also damaging and keeps your life “on hold”. Many people seem to be waiting their whole lives in anticipation of future events. ….*
The last “W” is wonder. Now some of you may being thinking “I thought wonder was a good emotion to have”, and it can be. For instance, if you are wondering about something positive, then that can be a fine type of wonder. However, many people wonder about negative things. For example, wondering about what would happen if you lost your job, or a loved one fell ill. ….*

Often these three W’s can work together and feed off each other, causing a sort of mental typhoon in your head. However, there are steps you can take (e.g. Using Your Doppler Radar and Clear Skies Collage) to avoid stirring up these mental storms and just sail through this summer like a fresh breeze. ….*

So the next time you find yourself worrying, waiting, or wondering…try to relax those thoughts so that they don’t turn into thunderous mental storms.
Please note, these are highlights from an entire article in Higher-Self Living Paychecks. For more information, please visit our website at

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Celebrating Our Independence While Acknowledging Our Connections. *

This weekend found millions celebrating Independence Day (AKA: the 4th of July) with barbecues, friends and family gatherings, and boisterous fireworks. The 4th of July marks a day in U.S. history in which independence was declared from Great Britain.

While this is truly a victorious day in our history, I do want to take the time to also acknowledge the connection that exists within our countries and our world. Perhaps years ago, many found that being separate and independent was the most important state to be in. Having a sense of independence is a wonderful gift, however, and now more then ever in these tough economic times, a sense of connection and oneness is crucial.

I found that this year was the first year in which I felt more of a connection with other countries, versus celebrating our independence from another country…*

When was the last time you felt a sense of connection, or oneness, with another person or another thing? A sense that leaves you feeling bliss, euphoric, passionate, and whole. A connection that cannot be described in the thousands of words found in the Webster

If you have not felt this sense in a very long while, if at all, please take the time this week to experience such a connection. One way to do this is to either shake hands or hug someone you know and care for. When doing so, clear your mind of thoughts that may intrude that moment you are sharing with this other person. Just appreciate that brief moment, realizing that there is a special sense of connection being shared.
* Please note, these are highlights from an entire article in Higher-Self Living Paychecks. For more information, please visit our website at