Sunday, January 4, 2009

Roll in the New Year with a New Dream or New Hobby

It is that time of year once again when many people reflect on the past year and set new year’s resolutions. Many new year’s resolutions that get set are often focused on either halting a bad trait or trying to begin a healthy new one.

Often time’s people tend to refrain from setting a new exciting dream to pursue or a new fun hobby to pick up. To start the year out on an adventurous note, I challenge all of you to create a new exciting dream or a fun new hobby to pursue. I further challenge you to set up a short and sweet schedule that would outline a few turtle steps for you to achieve that dream or hobby.

For example, as I reflected on the past year, I realized that there was a dream I had not yet pursued, as well as a hobby I had not untaken. My dream was to revise and submit a fictional novel I had written a couple of years ago. A new hobby I’d always wanted to pursue was learning to play the piano….*

When the new year approached, I came up with a couple small steps in order to work towards both my aspiring dream of becoming a published author as well as an amateur pianist. So, my steps included printing off my rough manuscript and spend just ten to fifteen minutes a day revising a paragraph or two. I also took some holiday gift money and purchased a Piano for Dummies book to begin learning about the piano and its history. Having taken just those first steps, has helped me to feel a sense of accomplishment and joy.

In addition to the joy these steps have already given me, a new adventurous journey has begun in my life. Taking simple steps to pursue something new can result in an amazing spiral effect and lead to new dreams and new accomplishments. Another example is a friend of mine who is a working actress. One role she had landed required her to learn to play a little guitar. As a result, she fell in love with the guitar and has now started up band that she loves doing more then acting….*

Therefore, if you have not already done so, please consider pursuing a new dream or undertaking a new hobby for the new 2009 year. Then watch a new adventurous journey unfold before your eyes.
* Please note, these are highlights from an entire article in Higher-Self Living Paychecks. For more information, please visit our website at

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