Monday, June 22, 2009

Experiencing our Inner-Father during Father’s Day Weekend. *

For many people, this weekend is one in which we celebrate fatherhood. A day that has been acknowledged in the U.S. since 1909. Believe it or not, the national celebration of Father’s Day almost remained a myth. When it was introduced, many chuckled at it and thought it to be more of a satire and parody. However, in the 1960’s, it became a national holiday, just like Mother’s Day (Source:

As many of you may recall, a prior newsletter discussed having an Inner-Mother. Well as you can imagine, we also possess an Inner-Father. An inner guide that helps us to build up our self-esteem and sense of security and safety.

Some people may have very loving and supportive fathers. Others may have lost their fathers, while many may never known their fathers. Regardless of your situation, we all have an Inner-Father. There are many ways that an inner-father can be accessed…*

One way is to sit down and take a piece of paper and pen (or pencil). Make two columns and write “Self” on the top of one column, and “Inner-Father” on the other. Then in the “Self” column, write some traits that you have that you feel you would like to change. Try to list four to five of them. Then go to the “Inner-Father” column and feel within a sense of an Inner-Father. Answers may come into your consciousness.

Another way to access your Inner-Father is to simply close your eyes and relax your mind and body. Give yourself at least five minutes to do this. Then imagine reaching out and communicating with your Inner-Father. For example, you may say to yourself, “Inner-Father, please help heal me” or “Guide me through this time”…*

Finding a little time to explore and experience your Inner-Father can help you to become more self-confident and feel a sense of wholeness.
* Please note, these are highlights from an entire article in Higher-Self Living Paychecks. For more information, please visit our website at

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