Tuesday, May 6, 2008

An “Aha” moment about Space.

This weekend I had an “Aha” moment that I wanted to share with all of you. This “Aha” moment has to do with space.

Now when is the last time you thought about space? And not just the outer-space where other stars and galaxies exist, but also the space that surrounds each object, each person, each living thing. Even further, the thought of space that exists within each object, person, and living thing.

As I sat and thought about space for a moment this past weekend, I felt a sense of understanding at a level I never knew existed. I felt so much space that I could not comprehend the amount of space out there and I felt that was wonderful and amazing. I also felt that space was a sense of stillness and peace for me. I even became teary-eyed at the thought of the amount of space that surrounds all of the universe and the forms that exist. I realize that the amount of space that exists is so vast that it clearly is much larger then the amount of violence, war, illness, and natural disasters that exist in the world. Those adversities seem larger then they are because of the amount of noise they project. However, I realize that when we focus on the spaciousness around us, we feel a sense of peace and stillness. Through that spaciousness and peace, action will come. I realized that when I looked around, and as I saw birds and grass and trees, I acknowledged the space around each of them. Then I further realized that there is space within each of them.

We are all made of energy at our deepest scientific level and energy is movement. In order for anything to move (i.e. atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons), there has to be space for it in which to move. The sky, the universe, there is just so much space, that it is incomprehensible and yet extremely peaceful. To know that space exists more then anything else, and it is amazing and wonderful. And it is that space that we all, as humans, can and need to recognize exists in this world, this planet, our lives, and our forms. To also recognize it in our daily activities. There is space all around, and we are experiencing that consciously through our human forms. A wonderful and amazing realization.

So the next time you do anything, see anything, or think of anything, try to take a moment and recognize the space that surrounds and is within whatever you are doing or thinking about. You just might stumble across the peace and stillness that also exists, which is the consciousness living that is the purpose of every human being, every living object, and life itself.

1 comment:

Jamaica Mon said...

There is too much space to comprehend. Where do you think the 3ft personal space came from? Is there such a thing as space abuse?