Friday, June 27, 2008

Knowing What You Don’t Want is a Great Start….BUT, Finish it off with a Goal in Mind.*

There are tons of people out there that are pretty confident about what they don’t want. Whether that be something simple (e.g. not wanting to eat out tonight), or something pretty grand (e.g. not wanting to get married).

Every day most of us are faced with tasks, jobs, or situations that present examples
of what we don’t want. For example, one day a friend of mine said, “I don’t want to drive to my relatives this weekend”, and “I don’t want to have zero dollars in my savings account”. Now I for one can relate to these two examples as I have used
them from time to time.

However, what we often forget to do is a very crucial next step; defining what we do want. Defining what we do want can help us to navigate through life, incorporate changes, and most importantly, reach goals and aspirations. Yet, as my dear friend repeated to me one day, “I don’t want to have zero dollars in my account”, I then asked a question that stopped her in her tracks. I asked her, “So how much money do you want in your account?” To my friend’s surprise, she was not sure. She said, “oh, I don’t know, I guess I just know I don’t want zero”. Well, this is all fine and dandy at first. But, if we don’t take the time to really figure out and define what we do want, then we can end up aimlessly wandering through life. I had asked my friend when she first felt this way, and guess what, she said “oh gosh, about 5 years or so”. My dear friend then thought for a moment and said, “I can’t believe it has been that long?”….*


Often it is easy in this very fast paced world we live in, to forget to define and set goals of what we do want, and just keep on living in “what I don’t want” mode. So the next time you find yourself saying “I really don’t want that”, then figure out what you do want instead and start achieving that great goal.
* Please note, these are highlights from an entire article in Higher-Self Living Paychecks. For more information, please visit our website at

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