Friday, May 16, 2008

Do you take things personally? If so, how is that working out for you?*

There is a very common belief and perception out there in the world that drives and plagues many people’s daily lives. That perception is taking other people’s actions or comments personally. Some people take only certain types of comments personally and are able to fend off other types. However, some people take nearly every comment personally and that can cause suffering.

I believe that a person’s confidence level definitely effects how a person will process and react to other people’s actions or comments. Having a lower sense of self-confidence can mean someone will take more comments personally. For example, when I was younger I suffered a low sense of self-confidence and took nearly every comment personally. I recall times when I would be driving in traffic, and if someone cut me off, I would immediately get angry at that stranger and think “that jerk (or jerk’ess) meant to cut me off”. In reality, I had no idea why that stranger cut me off. Sure they were driving as if they were a NASCAR finalist, but there really could have been several reasons for their driving behavior including; “maybe they didn’t see me”, or “they have a family emergency to get to”. But at that time in my life, I took being cut-off by some stranger as a personal blow to me……*

Personally I had found that when my confidence grew and I developed a healthy self-image, I was taking actions and comments much less personally. I found myself thinking more along the lines of, “oh they must need to get somewhere urgently”. This comment leaves me free of any negative personal thoughts or blows to my self-image and self-esteem. If you do find yourself taking many things personally, try to take steps to boost your self-confidence, and witness yourself taking things less personal. A great place to start would be to take the free Self-Confidence Quiz that can be found in the right column of this blog.

* Please note, these are highlights from an entire article in Higher-Self Living Paychecks. For more information, please visit our website at

1 comment:

Jamaica Mon said...

Yes, it is easy to be defensive and react from your ego, when you take things personally or to heart.