Thursday, May 1, 2008

Worried about $4 per Gallon for Gas? Have No Fear….Our Stimulus Checks are Near.*

Many of us are seeing gas approach $4.00 per gallon and are nearly frozen in disbelief, as if watching some sort of movie with an unbelievable twist we didn’t see coming. However, one solution to that problem may be the economic stimulus checks that are going out as you read this. Much of the buzz I have been hearing from people is that they plan to use the stimulus checks to help pay for the higher gas prices that appear to be plaguing our cities and towns. Other people are not sure what to do with their stimulus checks. Some people plan to pay off some debt, some plan to save their money, while others plan to just go out and spend it, as the government hopes. Moreover, some people plan to diversify their checks by putting some in savings, some on debt, and spending some on themselves.

What are you going to do with your stimulus check? Struggling with that decision at all? Well, struggle no longer….* I would like to share an imperative rule I learned a couple of years ago about decision making and being stuck. Sometimes the right decision is not to make one at all, at least not at that moment. Sound ironic? It is. However, deciding not to make a decision is a decision in itself…..*

So the next time you struggle with what to do with some new found money, or any other kind of decision you need to make, stop and take a moment to clear your mind to make way for the “right” answer to surface. If the decision comes, fantastic. If it does not, don’t fret, it just may not be the right moment. Trust that in another moment the answer may come that is best for you and your decision.

* Please note, these are highlights from an entire article in Higher-Self Living Paychecks. You can view this entire article by going to our website at and selecting the "Services" page. There you will find a link to a sample of a Higher-Self Living Paycheck, which will include this entire article.

1 comment:

Jamaica Mon said...

My stimulus check will only stimulate the local auto body shop. Plus maybe a gym membership