Friday, February 8, 2008

Be Greedy for What Lies Within

I recently came across a quote that just stopped me in my tracks. The quote reads as follows:

“Why do so many….settle for so little? I don’t understand why they are not greedy for what is inside them.” - Jack Gilbert (Poet)

Have you just stopped in your tracks at that quote? Are you greedy for what is inside you? I ask you to please be greedy!

I know that I am very greedy for what is inside of me and I look forward every day to finding something new about myself that allows me to add to my inner-wealth. If I could be granted a wish, it would be for every single one of you to be greedy for what is inside of you. There is a plethora of fantastic qualities that you can tap into within yourself. I truly believe that. All you have to do is believe that they exist deep inside of you and then dig down deep to locate them and express them.

Sometimes those fantastic qualities are covered up, or even blocked, by self-doubt and past pain. However, if everyone realized that beneath the hurt and pain lies beautiful and loving qualities that they can experience and express, then perhaps long overdue healing could finally be dealt with and let go.

Some effective ways to deal with self-doubt and emotional healing include: journaling, meditation, and positive affirmations.

So today I challenge you to become greedy for what’s inside of you, because what lies within you is your most wealthy asset.


Unknown said...

Hi Shannon: I love what you wrote about being greedy about what's inside you. That's exactly how I feel ...I've been curious about my 'innards' for many years & have done what I call 'excavating' on & off since my late 20's in many shapes & forms.

I encourage my clients to get excited about this. I find that it's sometimes a scary challenge for them. This article is a call to me to think of more & gentler ways to help them be curious.

Ellen Besso
North Star Coach
800 961 1364

Higher-Self Life Coaching said...

Thank you Ellen. I am elated that you found this posting helpful. This is why I have a blog. Best wishes always!