Thursday, February 14, 2008

I Focus, Therefore I Am

First things first, HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE! May your inner cupid bring you self-love, and your outer cupid bring you chocolate in a heart-shaped box.

Today, I had a thought occur to me that I wanted to share with everyone. As I was driving this morning in my car, I decided to observe what I was focusing on. What was my goal? Normally my focus (and goal) is on getting to my desitination, in a hurry.

So often, many of us are in a hurry to get where we want to go. We get caught up with the hustle and bustle of life. I realized that whether I am driving, or someone else is driving, most of the time our focus is on how quickly we want to get to where we are going.

As a result of focusing on "getting to a destination in a hurry", I realized that my body physically responds to my focus. Now, I don't know about you, but when I feel as though I am in a hurry, my body tenses up with a sense of urgency. A sense of "hurry hurry up". I physically feel tension in my neck, shoulders, and upper back. Some people may feel tension in different parts of their body, such as in their jaw or stomach. I ask you to pay attention to where you hold your tension the next time you feel a sense of stress or urgency.

This morning, however, as I was listening to more relaxing music, I realized that I had a choice of what my focus would be. Was my focus going to be on "getting to get to my destination in a hurry"? Or, was my focus going to be different. I had decided to focus on something more worthwhile. My new focus was going to be on "arriving to my destination safely and comfortably".

As soon as I realized my new focus, I noticed a sense of calmness overcome my body. Some of the tension began to fade away. So I made a point to focus on my new goal during my driving journey. As a result, I did arrive at my destination much more relaxed, calm, and physically energized.

The tip for today is that what we choose to focus on effects how we emotional feel and physical react. I challenge you to realize what you are focusing on in a particular moment. For example, are you focusing on a more stressful goal (e.g. "hurry" to your destination), or are you focsing on a more positive and peaceful goal (e.g. arriving "safe and comfortably"). If you are able to realize you can choose your goals and focus, the results will astound you.

Best wishes to all!

1 comment:

Jamaica Mon said...

This is a great point! Also, if you calm your mind you are going to be less likely experience road rage or drive aggressively. Music helps a lot!

I will definitely use this technique on my next drive. It will help with all the crazy traffic for sure!