Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Is Your Attitude Worth Catching?

Hello everyone. I wanted to share something with all of you that was given to me by a new dear friend.

My new friend sent the following paragraph to me:

William James, one of the founders of modern psychology, said, "The greatest discovery of this generation is that a human being can alter their life by altering their attitude." I believe this with all my heart, and over the years have seen it happen countless times. What most people fail to realize is that your attitude not only impacts your happiness and your success, it also can impact the happiness and success of all the people around you...your family, your friends, and your peers at work. Attitudes truly are contagious, and from time to time we need to ask ourselves..."is mine worth catching?"

I just loved this paragraph. Especially the last statement about attitudes being contagious and "is mine worth catching?"

I tested this out personally the other day, and found that attitudes could most definitely be "catching". I realized on the phone with a loved one, and after having been in a traffic jam, that my attitude was less then desirable. As a result, my loved one replied with an "attitude" of their own. Fortunately, I realized this and then adjusted my attitude to be more pleasant. Then, I decided to test out a more positive attitude. When I entered an office the other day, I made an effort to have a very positive attitude. Initially some of the other people in the office looked at me as if I were on some sort of drug. However, I did notice that after a little time, two of the other people in the office, who appeared to have sour attitudes, had lightened their tone and their attitude.

As a result, I do believe that attitudes can in fact be catching. So the next time you are around other people, ask yourself, "is mine worth catching?" If not, then try to adopt one that is.

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